
Showing posts from March, 2009

Coca Cola/Plachimada: An open rejoinder to Mr Shashi Tharoor

From S.Faizi R2 Saundarya Apartments Nandavanam Thiruvananthapuram (Environmental Expert Member: Kerala Groundwater Authority; Chairman: Indian Biodiversity Forum) Mr.Shashi Tharoor ChairmanAfras Ventures230 Park Avenue, Suite 2525New York, NY 10169 Dear Mr Tharoor, I have read with interest your response to the Plachimada Struggle Solidarity Committee’s criticism of your being in a PR project of the Coca Cola company in India, in Hindu and the full text on a web site that carries your PR material. I do not have a grain of opposition to your being in the cola PR outfit, for it is natural for people like to you to be in places like that. However, I am writing this public response to you in order to address the misinformation contained in your letter, outdoing even the PR staff of the company, and the unwarranted sweeping remarks you have made on Kerala development. The High Court Division Bench verdict in favour of the company that you have referred to was ma