Importance of Left..

VoteLeft 2009, like all great human achievements, is 'over' ambitious. It aims to not only take-on but to defeat the 'big players' of Indian politics in the run up to the 2009 Lok Sabha elections. VoteLeft 2009 has neither the deep pockets of the Congress nor the opulence of the BJP or for that matter any party on the Right or the Center, who are all set to flag off their muti-crore ad campaigns led by the best-of-the-best professional ad agencies. On the contrary VoteLeft 2009 is totally amateur run consisting of an as yet small group of diverse people with a common dream. The group has two students, one business analyst, one young entrepreneur and one social activist who all share the dream of a people's India. We have little or no money to spare and are always looking for free (free as in free beer and free as in freedom) means to counter the campaign of the 'big'. What we are very rich in is our dreams. And the thirst to realise them drives us on. We certainly know what we are up against, but the mere possibility of failure isn’t strong enough to dissuade us off our dream.
The obvious question at this point is why the Left? Though this question is set to be the major driving force for all future discussions and will be clarified in coming time, it deserves a quick answer here. The straight answer from the group here is after having seen both the Center and the Right in its true colours, the Left is the only option that holds promise for India as a whole.
Which is the political force in India that is still untouched by multi-crore scams that has rocked the Indian scenario?
Which is the political force in India that maintains a consistent and committed line of thought and action on communal and ethnic harmony in India?
Which is the political force in India that speaks of the common man and doesn’t revel in the success of the few rich?
Which is the political force in India that calls upon all countrymen to join its ranks and leadership cutting across lines of social, ethnic, religious and economic differences?
Which is the political force in India puts the interests of the country as a whole before all else?
The answer to all of the above questions, and many like it, is the LEFT and none but the LEFT. So as concerned Indians who believe in the ideals of the founding fathers of our nation and the spirit of true India as imbibed in the glorious struggle for freedom and later, we stand by the Left.
We urge you to do the same.
Join us. Increase our strength in numbers and quantitative changes shall definitely bring about qualitative changes. A people’s future tomorrow needs a people’s effort today.
Spread the word. Sant Tukaram once said “Use your voice…it’s all you’ve got”. Do not remain silent because your silence speaks in favour of the evil doers. Stand up, vociferously at that, for what is the right thing.
Propagate. Convince those who doubt for they are not whom we oppose. Rather the ones who question are the ones who will finally see the truth for themselves and truth, by its own virtue, emancipates.
Help us. Not with your money but with your effort. We need volunteers to read for us and write for us. Tell us what you know is good with the Left and bad with the others…and also vice versa. Give us your art give us your technical know how. Help us be better and closer to the truth.
There’s a world to be won…elections are just the easy part.


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