Kerala Temples controlled by government - Sangh Parivar Propaganda & the real truths

 Is it true that the Kerala Devaswom board is used by the government for other purposes?

Fully wrong statement..

This is primarily a propaganda unleashed by Sangh Parivar across India as part of creating a victim-hood narrative.
And in Kerala, it has a huge meaning as almost absolute majority of temples in Travancore/Cochin side of Kerala were Nationalized since 18th century and came under control of the state. This means Sangh Parivar forces which were used to grow using temple resources in other parts of India, finds hard to get a space in Kerala.

Let me trying to explain on this;

First and foremost, there is no single Devaswom board, so the premise of question is wrong.
As of today, there are 5 State Devaswom boards in Kerala

1. Travancore Devaswom Board, which owns almost 98% of temples in South Kerala, primarily spread across districts of Trivandrum, Pathanamthitta, Kollam, Alappuzha, Kottayam, Idukki and half of Ernakulam district.

2. Cochin Devaswom Board which owns almost 90% of temples in central Kerala primarily spread across districts of Thrissur, remaining half of Ernakulam, 1/3rd of Palakkad district and limited areas in and around Malappuram district

3. Guruvayur Devaswom Board, which owns the famous Guruvayur temple.

4. Irinjalakuda Koodalmanikyam Devaswom Administration which owns Koodalmanikyam Bharatha Temple and its properties

5. Malabar Devaswom Board which is the recent board constituted, that manages temples of Malabar region.

Technically it doesn’t own many temples as such, rather supervises and acts more like a regulator for various family and private temples spread across districts of Kozhikode, Malappuram, Palakkad, Wayanad, Kannur, Kasaragod regions.

Out of this, Travancore and Cochin Devaswom boards are Semi-constitutional authority as such due to listing under ninth schedule of Indian constitution. Which means, the Devaswom board enjoys a status much similar to constitutional bodies like Election commission or similar commissions.

Both Travancore and Cochin Boards are a 3 member commission board appointed by Hindu MLAs of Kerala Niyamasabha (Legislature/Vidan Sabha) through a legislative election in the floor of the house. Once appointed, the government cannot remove the President of the Devaswom as it likes. A president of Travancore/Cochin Devaswom can be removed only through Impeachment by the Niyamasabha, that too limited by votes of Hindu MLAs, just like Presidential Impeachment proceedings which is too cumbersome in nature. However there is an indirect way which Govt can remove a president, ie reducing the tenure of Presidentship through amending the act.

Other three boards have managing committee appointed by Government as they are executive organizations (formed under an act of Legislature where Government can appoint directly).

The Propaganda of Sangh Parivar is that, the funds of Devaswom are used by Government which has been proved wrong many times with proper records. This was categorically proved by placing sufficient documents on the floor of the house by Kerala Government.


Narrative 1:

Kerala Govt uses Temple money as the funds go to treasury.


On the other hand, the Kerala government is granting huge funds for the administration of temples every year.

Devaswom Board are autonomous institutions as per the law established. Their income and revenue doesn’t affect Kerala government as such. They have their own bank accounts and operate independently. Not a single penny of Devaswom can be deposited in State Treasury or fund for day to day operations of State Government, as fund operations of Treasury are regulated as per provisions of Indian Constitution. Kerala treasury or for that matter any treasury cannot accept a single penny of any other independent institutions of the government other than stipulated by law (read taxation/license/fees/duties etc).

For example, Air India is an independent company under Govt of India. The entire stake of AI is held by Government. India Govt transfers crores of Taxpayers money to Air India annually for various purposes. But can we say, the money we as passengers pay to AI when we book ticket goes to Indian Exchequer? No!!. Govt earns money from AI in form of dividends declared by the company to its owners. There is no other way, Govt of India can earn a penny from AI because Indian laws don't allow Govt to simply take money of an independent entity like that, even if it owns so.

The same concept applies in case of Devaswom sans the dividend declaration part of AI or Govt Companies. Which means the funds of Devaswom cannot move into Govt coffers in any manner.

Devaswom funds cannot be accessed by state exchequer as state has only certain limited revenue streams established by constitution.

see links below for news reports..

1) link 1

2) link 2

3) link 3

So how this narrative comes in?

Simply because Devaswoms are required to deposit their funds in Treasury Saving Bank (which is a bank like any other scheduled bank). This is a government directive.

This is a very unique system prevailing in Kerala, as Treasury also operates itself as a bank instead of a mere accounting department as in other states.

Check the link below

the unique case of kerala's treasury system

Often this deposit in Treasury Bank is misinterpreted as Kerala govt taking money.

Many common man doesn’t know the difference between State Treasury and Treasury Savings Bank which is often used by Sangh Parivar to create their narrative. TSB is not treasury, rather a bank just like SBI or any other similar banks established under provisions of RBI across India. They accept deposits from anyone, including public and pays interest like any other bank to the depositors. The advantage of TSB is higher interest rate offered by Govt when compared to Scheduled banks. TSB offers normally 0.5% more than scheduled banks (almost at par with private banks) and guaranteed by the state.

Imagine, if a temple deposits 10 Lakh in SBI as FD. They offer 6.75% max as interest and this fund will be used by SBI for its commercial operations like lending as loan to corporate or other organizations, mostly outside Kerala. Whereas if the same temple deposits same 10 Lakh in TSB as FD, they offer around 8% as interest rate. Like SBI, TSB uses the fund for its commercial operations, but unlike SBI, TSB is not a scheduled bank to give loans to others. Rather its used by Kerala govt as such, which they are required to give back to TSB. The backend operation of each bank is not the matter of concern to the depositor. Does a devotee needs to know how SBI used the temple funds deposited in their bank? It may be used as a loan to a butcher to start a butchery, which isn’t a matter of concern to temple as its mere depositor.

Government directive to use TSB is to create cash flows for Government operations which is a backend activity of TSB, a banking activity which a depositor doesn’t need to know. If not TSB, Government would have to take loans from other banks which essentially replicates the same in backend.


Narrative 2:

Funds of temples are not known to devotees.


The funds of Devaswom boards are well audited. Every Devaswom boards are required to present their annual statements of finance and financial records to Local Fund Audit of the state. The local fund audit is a statutory audit department under Kerala Government which is draws its powers from LFA Act 1994.

Secondly as Travancore and Cochin Devaswom Boards are constitutional authority, their funds are equally scrutinized by Comptroller and Auditor General of India through Accountant General Office of Kerala. These audited reports are part of annual statement of finances presented to Kerala Niyamasabha.

In both cases, the financial information are well recorded public document.

As all Devaswoms are public bodies, they come under RTI provision. Mere filing a 10 Rupee Query under RTI with these bodies, they are required to provide financial records to public. If information are not provided, there are appellate authorities and state Information commission which have powers to get information from Devaswom.

So no financial records are withheld or not known to public. Its all clear in front of devotees or any member of public.
A copy of financial statement goes to Kerala High court Devaswom Bench.

Narrative 3:

Funds of temples goes out and nothing exist for temple development.


While funds of temple remain exclusively under Devaswom which can use only for temple development or pilgrim facilities enhancement without a penny moving into Kerala State treasury; the government of Kerala further provides more taxpayer’s money for various temple/pilgrim activities.

Check the truth here

For example, Rs 739 crore was allotted for the altogether development of sabarimala, by Kerala Government, in 2019. 100 crore was allotted for the Travancore Devaswom Board & Rs 36 crore allotted for Kochi and Malabar Devaswom boards.

Another news report here

In a record submitted in 2015, Kerala Govt has spent more than 231 crores of taxpayer’s money, for various temple facilities development and infrastructure development solely used by pilgrims outside the sovereign duties.
In 2014, Kerala Govt spent more than 8 crores for renovating small temples and groves of Malabar region that don’t have sufficient revenue for its maintenance activities.
There are many cases were small temples constantly been supported by State government under various schemes to ensure such temples do not gets closed down.


For example, in above case, a small temple in Mamala was given Rs 62 Lakh under Tourism development scheme knowing well, not a single Kerala temple is open to tourists or any tourism activity unlike other states.

Narrative 4:

Devotees can’t question wrong practices followed by Devaswom


Devaswom is not a private club of politicians. It may have political appointees, but still they are required to publicly swear allegiance in name of the deity or god and declare their faith in Hinduism as well as in Devaswom administration to be part of the Managing committee. And being a government institution, they have to follow all state laws.

One feature is that, all Devaswoms report to state appointed Devaswom Commissioner who acts as Government representative. The proceedings of Commissioner are in public records. If any specific Devaswom follows a wrong practice or against spirit of the temple, devotees can approach Commissioner to rectify and resolve.

If the grievances aren’t resolved at commissioner level, there is an independent Devaswom Ombudsman appointed by Kerala High court.

read about devaswom-ombudsman here

Then Kerala High court itself has an independent bench called Devaswom Bench solely to hear Devaswom cases and resolve legally. Further above, the cases can be escalated to Normal Division benches of High court or even to Supreme Court.

So there are enough legal forums and avenues available to a devotee to question wrong practices done by any devaswom board or its members, which all are statutory public forums.
If any actions of Devaswom is against the spirit of rituals/traditions/customs/beliefs etc, legal remedies are available to all devotees.

Narrative 5:

If Churches can be under devotee ownership, why not temples?

There is no concept of Parish Jurisdiction / Diocese jurisdiction in Hinduism. The above are Abrahmic concepts, well seen in Christianity. For example a church, how famous it may be, still its owned by members of an parish community (Edavaka as in Malayalam). St.Peter’s Basilica is a global icon for Catholics around the world. Still it belongs to the jurisdiction of Roman community, not others. Even the spiritual head of entire Catholics- Pope is primarily a Bishop of Rome as Christianity have the concept of territorial jurisdiction.

However this concept doesn’t work in Hinduism. Kashi Vishwanathan temple doesn’t belong to Hindus living in Kashi/Varanasi. Same way Guruvayur doesn’t belong to locals living around the temple. There may be someone who has faith in Lord Guruvayurappan who never been to Guruvayur at all, still the temple belongs to him equally as it belongs to someone living next to it. I haven’t been to Amarnath in Kashmir, but I am a stern believer and devotee of the lord. Naturally Amarnath belongs to me as such as it belongs to some in Kashmir.

As a result, devotees in Hinduism is too broad term and can’t be limited to few in and around.

Equally the concept of deity in a temple and god in church are different concepts. A church means an organization, not home of the god living inside the building. Church as such is a community unit, not a physical building. And its owned by the community.

A temple is not a community institution, rather defined as home of the deity. The deity has a legal identity of its own. Say Kashi Vishwanathan has his own legal identity. He can file a case in his own, fight a legal case against someone, seek justice from court etc. In short he has almost all rights of a citizen, which St.George of Edapally does not have as St.George is just a saint, after whom the church is named after, and not the owner of the said church, which belongs to the Catholic community of Edapally (a suburb of Kochi), not the deity worshiped there. While Kashi Vishwanathan owns the temple in his own name.

As a result, a few locals around the temple have no right over the temple. The concept of devotees in Hinduism is too broad to be represented in equal rights. Hence the deity who is defined as Perpetual minor in legal terms, has a legal position similar to minor orphans with properties. Imagine there is an minor orphan who has so much property in his/her name. What will the society do? Will some people claim rights of the orphan randomly? Will the society approve such? No!!! In such cases, court appoints a court and ward system where government will in charge for protection of the orphan and a representative of govt will manage the minor untill he attains majority.

The same works for temple as the deity is perpetual minor, hence government in charge of its protection and appoints a representative (devaswom) who works for the minor (diety)’s interest.

And that works better. Imagine a temple is under a private management ownership. How will devotees raise their grievance? What mechanism exist to resolve such grievance? Naturally its again for devotee’s interest, the temple is under Government’s control so that all devotees can claim justice or seek remedies in equal rights and if not addressed, there exist legal mechanisms to resolve.

So in all means, Kerala Government doesn’t use temples for any other purpose, other than worship and devotional activities of devotees. A temple in Kerala is not a congregational facility unlike in North. Its a tantric institution meant for rituals associated with the deity and its never intended to be used for non temple related activities. These matters are clearly enlisted under the law.

Of course the system has some flaws and some issues as no system is prefect. However the current system has better transparency and have a responsibility towards the public which a private system lacks.


(Courtesy : Arun Mohan)


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